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How CBM is Revolutionizing your Daily Commute.

CTRL Systems

Updated: Aug 18, 2021

In the 21st century, it is undeniable that transportation is shifting into the modern era. If you live in a metropolitan area, you might know that gone are the days of morning traffic and struggling to find a parking space. The ways of bike and car sharing, light rails, and energy-efficient shuttles, are surely the future.

This shift in commuting trend does not come without its merits. Several of these options are much more sustainable in nature, and will prove to be much better for the environment in the long run. Likewise, several of the light rail commuter options are much faster than traditional buses, and can typically cost less. Given all of the benefits, it's really no surprise to see that many of the United States’ urbanites are making the shift in their daily commute.

Several large US Cities, like Phoenix, have invested heavily in the switch to light rail transportation. In 2017, they have ordered 11 light rail trains from Siemens Mobility, and recently purchased 14 more trains on the S700 on Tuesday, October 6th. The S700 model is state-of-the-art, with a spacious interior, energy-efficient LED lighting, room for cyclists to bring their bikes, and a powerful air conditioning system that can combat the Phoenix heat. In addition to the commitment to a comfortable commute, Siemens Mobility is also dedicated to improved performance, a consistent schedule, and optimized availability of their trains. Where will this revolution in service come from? The answer is condition-based monitoring.

Condition Based Monitoring (CBM)is the process of knowing current operational conditions of various key components of your equipment and indicating when the slightest changes first present themselves to allow time to plan and take corrective action. We live in a time-sensitive and data-driven environment, where we are constantly challenged to do more with less. With Condition Based Monitoring that takes place in a non-destructive testing environment, Siemens Mobility and other transportation companies can diagnose machine condition or unexpected problems while in full operation. This allows them to dedicate themselves to a full and efficient train schedule while ensuring that any problems with their units do not go unnoticed.

CTRL’s Ultrasonic products are among the most powerful tools for maintaining condition-based monitoring. Ultrasonic listening devices are the earliest technologies that can detect any change in asset condition, ensuring that your equipment never gets close to catastrophic failure. Likewise, Ultrasound can be used in quality control as well, protecting your units from potential failure from manufacturing, to operating, and beyond. To see if Ultrasound is right for you, contact one of our Condition-Based Monitoring experts today!

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