Condition Based Monitoring” (CBM) or, in some instances, “Condition Monitoring” (CM). CBM ultrasound testing is performed using an ultrasound listening device in conjunction with data capture software. By recording the sound characteristics of a component under test, the software will make a note of any changes from previous testing or variations against a set threshold. The variations are specific to the conditions of the component under test, and are not compared to a measurement scale or to the sound from similar components (comparative testing). Any significant change will trigger a call to action for further inspection or a warning for pending failures.
When an appropriate ultrasound detection device is couple with data collection and analysis software such as InCTRL, test results using the CBM method are instantaneous, and can allow the technician to isolate the source or a problem that may not yet be detectable with other technologies. This provides time for corrective action to occur before damage to the equipment and resulting downtime. Another benefit of ultrasound CBM technology is early detection: studies have shown that ultrasound can detect anomalies sooner than other common PdM technologies such as infrared and vibration analysis. (See Figure 2 above.)
Consider the following summary from a third party evaluation team for the integration of ultrasonic technology in a single organization with over 500 sites:
More than 100 applications were identified in use for various equipment at each site such as boilers, heat exchangers, compressors, motors, pumps, valves, and steam traps.
The total savings for the organization would be approximately $3.7 million annually.
The return on investment for the integration of ultrasound with this cost avoidance would be approximately 15:1. (4) The annual man-year savings caused by the reduction of time spent diagnosing and troubleshooting would be approximately 45 man-years.
Another adopter of the technology – in this case, a large polyethylene terephthalate plastics recycling facility – is using the InCTRL Condition-Based Monitoring (CBM) program to great success. A full-time employee dedicated to the use of ultrasound has been using ultrasound technology and data collection software to trend 1,300+ test points on a monthly basis for almost five years. The data collected from the software has allowed the maintenance department to get ahead of potential equipment failures and regularly avoid unscheduled downtime.