CTRL Systems is heavily involved with the implementation of acoustic ultrasound technology for leak detection and condition-based monitoring in the power generation and transmission industry.

While helium leak testing is the most common leak detection method in the industry, it has many disadvantages, such as having operator-dependent results and the frequent need to calibrate equipment.
Acoustic ultrasound detection has become a strong alternative approach for vacuum leak detection. As tested and used by NASA on the International SpaceStation2, acoustic ultrasound leak detection technology is now capable of detecting all turbulent flow gas and vacuum leaks and is used by many power plants for condenser leak detection.
Ultrasound Inspection in Medium Voltage Distribution
Ultrasound inspection of approximately 6000 km of overhead power
Ultrasound troubleshooting and inspection was possible in instances when visual and thermographic inspections were not.
Decreased overall circuit faults by 30%
$4,338,790 estimated annual savings
One year ROI of 173:1
The UL101 Difference
Easy to use
Allow for detection at a high distance when you combine the UL101 with the PowerBeam 300.
Reduced costs
Competitively priced UL101 products let you lower costs by 3-5 times compared to methods like vibration reliability testing.
Better results
UL101 products are ruggedized for use in caustic environments, including power plants.
Simple to learn
Reduce time in training with our modules that teach you to successfully operate the UL101 within an hour to a few days.