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Steam Trap Ultrasound Inspection

CTRL Systems

Collect, record and conduct further spectral analysis of different types of steam traps using acoustic ultrasound.

Steam Trap Diagnostic Program

A portion of all the generated steam produced at a boiler house is commonly lost in the distribution system. Failing steam traps largely contribute to this energy loss, as well as other safety issues. The implementation of acoustic ultrasound as a diagnostic tool will greatly improve system reliability and supply real information about the system behavior, allowing for the betterment of the facility.

Facilities around the world utilize steam as an integral part of their manufacturing and heating processes. Steam, the pure gaseous state of water has many benefits and uses as an industrial fluid. It is clean, easily controlled, and efficient. Common uses include heat transfer for space heating, humidification and sterilization for manufacturing industries, hospitals, universities, and many more. An important steam system component is a steam trap. Unfortunately, some steam traps fail-open at some point in their life cycle, leaking dry steam, and costing thousands of dollars per year. According to the US Department of Energy (DOE), 15-20% of the steam produced by a central boiler plant is lost via leaking steam traps in a typical space heating system without a proactive trap assessment program. Implementing a technology assisted steam trap diagnostic program not only will provide dollar savings, but will also improve the safety of the facility and the quality of the steam delivered to steam utilizing components. Steam conservation yields energy savings as well as water conservation and reduced boiler emissions.

What is a Steam Trap and why is it essential?

A steam trap is an automatic valve that differentiates between steam and condensate, closing in the presence of steam and opening in presence of condensate. A steam trap should remove air and incondensable gases as well as handle fluctuating loads. When steam comes in contact with a heat transfer surface, this fluid (steam) will no longer be able to remain in a gas phase and will become condensate (liquid phase). This is where the critical role of the steam trap comes into play, allowing the removal of condensate for the proper distribution and utilization of the steam. A steam system will not be able to operate adequately without a steam trap, the system will either flood if condensate accumulates, or not reach the desired pressure (losses) if the valve is open.

Common locations for these devices include drip legs in the steam distribution header and heat transfer components like water heaters, kettles and autoclaves.

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